Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Mouse and potty training

Today we took Dathan to "the Mouse", Chuck E. Cheese, for doing so well with potty training. He was so happy to go. We went to celebrate his staying dry all night long :). Funny thing is we are still working on day time training. He still has pee accidents once in a while, but will not poop in the potty yet. We are still trying to figure out what will work for him. Suckers work for pee, 'the Mouse" worked for pee, cars worked for pee, but nothing has worked for poop.

Asher slept most of the time we were at "the Mouse". We got our picture taken and Asher was sleeping. Well Jared thought that it would be a great idea to wake him up for the picture, let's just say we have a crying baby in the picture.

I was reading this morning on the computer and Dathan was on the couch with books 'reading', or I thought he was reading. Next thing I know I hear, "Jesus wuff me, I know, Bible tell me so, Little ones weak He strong". My MIL was over on Friday night and she taught Dathan "Jesus Loves Me". It was the cutest thing to hear him singing this song! I can only pray that he will continue to learn and grow in the Lord. I will try my darnedest to keep him on the right path. I am constantly reading the bible to him and cute little books that explain gospel principles. Being new to the faith myself, it helps me to understand more about my own faith.

Here is my verse for the day :)
Luke 21:15-16
But make up you're mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. Fore I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.

I worry all of the time about what I am going to say, how things will work out, etc... I knew that God would help me with the words, but rely entirely too much on myself. This is a great reminder that not only will He give me the words to say, but no one "will be able to resist or contradict" the words that He has given to me to say. I make this more difficult than it needs to be. I am such an analytical person and I like to rely on my own logic rather than His. What a great reminder to just pray and ask for His words and to not think about it after that. I always feel like I need to prepare though and if I just let Him take over then I have no control, which is the way that it should be. But I really hate giving up this control.



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